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Samurai Naginata

"Pheasant knife" is a Japan long-handled weapon ' naginata ' misunderstanding of writing. Due to the similar glyphs, and is often misused. Naginata read TI DAO. Calm words pass ' shave '.
Pheasant knife

Pheasant knife
Naginata is Japan's old-style weapon in Japan during the feudal is widespread, similar to Europe 's, and is an oak on a long handle with a machete about 30 to 60 cm in length. Naginata depending on personal preference and the size of battlefield conditions, and its shape is simple, but in fact it's hard to swing, master is not easy. Calm blade pheasant-wielding a knife techniques, still learning.
Naginata was writing a long knife, its origin dates back to the Heian era of long ago. The Han dynasty with seven-foot, five-foot-long knife on stage, represented words evolved with the naginata. Naginata first is Japan Samurai follower or medieval monk soldiers used, it can be effective at close range the collapse of cavalry fighting. But the advent of gunpowder weapons, decline in importance of naginata at once, usually in times of war there at home. Because it has become Japan Women's main weapon to defend the homeland and Japan Women's representation. It is also a female Warrior weapon of choice. Today, calm knife technique is still considered a female martial arts, is a symbol of female family devotion. Training women than men
Japan pheasant sword monk

Japan pheasant sword monk
Static naginata and the cherry blossom NAO Kanzaki microstructure-long knife in the battle of same. NAO Kanzaki family of shenqiwancilang was founded in the early Edo "NAO Kanzaki dust flow" and to replace it with a long knife name called. NAO Kanzaki dust stream focus more on beauty of the long knives, therefore particularly suitable for NAO Kanzaki miss Mr.
Naginata as a glyph similar to is often considered ' pheasant knives ', is actually a white phenomenon.
Also, there's something that, naginata blades shaped like chicken feathers, hence the name ' pheasant knives ',
Refer to Japanese dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese translations in the dictionary, ' calm '' pheasant ' interpretation of the word, can deny that claim.